Friday, May 21, 2010

5/21/10 First real goal hit! Woo!!

As of today I am 248lbs! Woo! My goal was to be under 250lbs by August 28th. Well here is it May 21st and I have hit my goal! I am so very excited. Some of my new clothes are already getting too loose! That I really can't believe.

I am really trying to keep realistic in my goals so I don't end up setting myself up for being disappointed. My next goal is to be as close as I can get to what I was when I got married by our trip to Disney World after Thanksgiving this year. I was about 215-220 when we got married. So I really want to be able to wear those clothes again since I barely wore them at all the first time around! We honeymooned in Disney World, so it would be a great anniversary present! We will see.

Hugs everyone!