Thursday, April 29, 2010

New Clothes Came Today!

Well I finally broke down and got some new clothes from JcPenney. I couldn't find anything any other places that I liked. So it all finally came in today. I tried on a bunch of things, and I was pleasantly surprised that about a third of it all didn't fit! Like too big! Woo! I could NOT believe that a size 20 dress was actually too BIG for me when just a few months ago I was wearing a size 30! That is huge change!

So I have now gone from a size 30 (4X) all the way around, to a size 18 (1X) on my tops, and a size 22 (2X) on bottom! That is really amazing. It is also really shocking.

I can see the differences in my face and every where. I now really want to get a whole new look to go with these changes. So I am thinking about doing something really different with my hair. I am still thinking about it, but we will see.

I am just so happy to have some clothes options again! I was totally running out of things to wear! I had like two shirts that didn't even look very good, and like 2 pair of pants that didn't fit right. So now I have a few more things to wear now and a couple things to wait a bit on.

So over all, everything is going great. I am healthy and doing very well. I had blood work done a couple weeks ago and it all came back normal. So all is good.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

4/25 Update

Well it has been about four months since my surgery now. I am feeling good physically. Mentally things have been hard though. It is hard to see all your clothes going away and now you have nothing you can wear. I also didn't realize before that that there might have been part of an emotional piece to why I gained the weight. I have had a lot of other emotional things going on these days so that makes it hard as well.

I still am very glad I had the surgery because things would be even tougher for me right now if I hadn't. Things are slow going, but I knew they would be at times. Being that I also have Bipolar and other disorders that effect your energy I knew my progress would likely be a little slower than others. I can't get out as much as I would like to or should, but hopefully that will soon change since my service dog is coming home in about 6 weeks. He will be part of what is going to help me get through these things that are slowing me up, and help me have the tools needed to keep going forward.

So the stats for right now are:

Weight is 255lbs.
Size is still about 22-24 for pants, and 20 for shirts.

I did have my labs all checked a couple weeks ago, and they are all normal. So things are still going well. What is the old saying? Slow and steady wins the race? Well that is about what I am going for these days.